Eco-Sailing Activities
Eco-Sailing Activities


GPM Global is an internationally recognised certification body that professional certifications earned by an individual to demonstrate their level of skills, abilities, and knowledge in sustainability and project management, such as (1) The Green Project Manager — Basic (GPM-b™️), Certification of Basic Knowledge, (2) The Green Project Manager — Specialist (GPM-s™️), Certification of Skills and Ability (3) The Green Project Manager — Master (GPM-m™️), Certification of Mastery Level of Skills and Ability.
GPM certifications are specializations.
For example, most engineers, medical doctors, and lawyers are specialized. Before becoming a specialist, the individual must demonstrate a solid foundation in their base field.
There are several well recognized project management certifications. GPM certifications add a layer of specialization in sustainability.

" By achieving GPM certification, you:
Set yourself apart from the vast majority of other project managers in the marketAre listed on the international register of GPM certified PMs
Are certified in the fastest growing area of project management
Show that you understand the impacts your projects create on the environment, society, and stakeholders
Increase your job mobility and choices even in the face of a tough job market
Improve your earning potential with an internationally recognized certification in one of the fastest growing focus areas -
Open the door to more opportunities for career advancement
Will be recognized by your peers and will gain a higher profile and increased credibility as a valued member of the international project management community
Have proof of your skills and knowledge at applying sustainable methods in projects and project management
Demonstrate to senior managers that you are aligned with the organization’s mission and values"
Contact us for more details
Malaysia Strategic Partner
Sustainable Business Network Association Malaysia (SustNET)
B-3A-20 Ativo Plaza
Bandar Sri Damansara
52200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-62804985 I Email: