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New Anti- Profiteering Regulation Covering ALL Food Products and Household Products including Personal Care

The Government has introduced a new anti-profiteering mechanism on January 1, 2017. The regulations is confined to food and beverages andnon-durable household goods and personal care excluding cosmetics sector. A copy of the regulations is attached for your reference.


The regulations require manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers to maintain Mark-up in percentage (%MU) or percentage Margin (%MG) on the first day (the baseline) of a financial year (fy) or calendar year (cy).


Learn how to determine the %MG or %MU based on the formula and calculate the tolerance level that is acceptable under the regulations during the FMM seminar on the New Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Mechanism on Monday, January 23, 2017 in Hilton Petaling Jaya.


Kindly complete the attached registration form and return it to Ms Cenica of the FMM Secretariat (Tel: 03-62867327 or Fax: 03-62741266/7288 or E-mail: by January 20, 2017.

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